oceanside school board election

Other than her endorsement by the Republican Party little else is known about her. Cities have limited ability to directly control inflation and cost of living expenses when conducting municipal maintenance and operations. Before moving back to Long Island to raise her family, Ms. Lisi worked as an ESL teacher in New York city. She has a masters degree in English from San Francisco State University and a bachelors in comparative literature from UC Berkley. The political firing of Planning Commissioner Bruce Ehlers (4-13-22, #10A) a political hit job on a respected & experienced public servant that was opposed by other commissioners. Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Public school students 22,188 Charter school students 6,690 Percent charter 23.2%. Rebekkah Naputi has no known education background but she is endorsed by the Republican Party. Review and improve traffic patterns to slow drivers to the speed limits and harden the separation of pedestrians and bikes from motor vehicles. Her campaign web site shares an impressive list of endorsements including the Democratic Party and the San Diego Union Tribune. Councilmember Joy Lyndes, appointed to the council in 2021, and community advocate Julie Thunder, face each other in District 3. Zoning for these priorities should be approved via Prop A and tied to binding covenants. He worked for the city of Oceanside for more than 40 years in planning and development, and helped establish joint use neighborhood school and park facilities. She is endorsed by the Democratic Party. Sandie Schoell was first elected to the board in 2005. I intend to join other Cities who feel the same and join forces. He is endorsed by the Democratic Party. McNamara, a Marine veteran and executive director of the Marine Corps Recruits Depot Museum Foundation, was first elected mayor in 2018. . The uniqueness of D1 provides its own challenges and opportunities to thoughtfully build relative to infill, redevelopment and new construction. According to media reports, 1 million county residents have a new district. He is a member of the districts Buildings and Grounds Comm-ittee and previously served on the School #9E site based team. Shea worked as a special assistant to the county superintendent and was originally appointed to a vacant seat in 2015. Dante Garcia Pamintuan is a real estate agent who has been described as a MAGA Republican. The other candidate for Area 1 is Rimga Viskanta. He is a professor of mathematics at Nassau Community College and chair of the Mathematics, Computer Science and Information Tech-nology Department. Most of the citys current sales tax revenue goes to the state, county or the San Diego Association of Governments. This led me to my platform; politics second, COMMUNITY FIRST. Unlike other candidates, I am not accepting any donations. The decision to eliminate approximately 90% of the potential housing in the unincorporated areas of the county. Here are the results. A quorum of board members (three of the five members) must be present for a regular meeting to take place. Theboard agenda is available on-line three days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Im running because in the next few years, Carlsbad will be making major decisions that will significantly impact our community and our quality of life. I disagree with the county of San Diego trying to shut down small businesses while allowing giant corporations to remain open during the never-ending state of emergency. The county lists him as on the ballot but none of his filing paperwork appears under a search by name or jurisdiction. Required fields are marked *. Retired industrial mechanic Mickey Jackson has the endorsement of the Democratic Party. These high housing costs are causing young people to leave the region, which is bad for families and for businesses (who cant find employees). One example was on August 24, 2022, An ordinance amending Chapter 37 Article V to authorize the Water Utilities Director to declare Drought Levels 2 through Level 4. Hemmerling first joined the San Diego Attorneys Office in 2002, serving as a head criminal prosecutor at the time of his retirement in May amid the sheriffs office race. We have seniors and Veterans living on fixed income. As a board member I have served in different capacities that have made a significant difference in the district. CLICK OR TAP HERE TO SEE YOUR DISTRICT'S BUDGET Share this story Affordable housing, homelessness and the environment/natural resource management are linked. A 25-year member of the Kiwanis Club of Oceanside, Mr. Transom served four years as Club President. His proudest accomplishment was creating Schoolhouse Green along with his wife, Betsy. This year two council seats are up for election in Oceanside. I wont ignore the obvious: crime has become a problem in Encinitas. Shea previously served as head teacher for the Juvenile Court Schools. The City Council voted 4-0 Sept. 14 to approve the 199-unit Clark Avenue Apartments. Joyce is a special education teacher who was first elected to Oceanside Unified School Board in 2018. Though we address each of their needs differently, we love each of our children equally. The City Clerk serves as the Election Officer for the City. }; He grew up in Rockville Centre. His career in education includes more than 20-years teaching mathematics in SDUSD and SUHSD. I will build a shelter for the homeless and ensure we keep our communities safe. A cleaner safer city is my top priority. Michael Black is a personal injury attorney who shows no education experience or background. As North County Supervisor, my priorities are to protect residents from wildfires, fentanyl, and Sexually Violent Predators, to get the homeless off the streets, and address mental health issues. [emailprotected]; www.DesmondforSupervisor.com. The city anticipates that $800,000 to $1,400,000 annually could be generated. Other larger local government agencies provide the majority of social services. And we need to act aggressively to meet the goals of our climate action plan. am beholden only to you and not big $$ donors. Most of these issues are high priority. The city and. Balance the budget. Without that change, stack and pack housing will transform Encinitas into a dense city with big-city problems. I support public transit but we also have roadway needs in North County. , who was appointed to and served on the city council from 2019-2020. . In the District 4 race covering the citys northeast area of Lomas Santa Fe, nonprofit president Jill McDonald runs unopposed for the seat. In North County, where D5 is located, Carlsbad was moved out of the district and placed in D3, which now runs down the coast to Coronado. If the measure fails, the city will be forced to lay off employees. For the priorities, candidates were asked to disperse topic rankings evenly into four categories: l. We grant these issues all have merit and arent always mutually exclusive. Her campaign web page is here. Geigert has yet to make a public appearance in the race, and Manzano is a longtime D1 resident who attended the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce candidates forum on Sept. 26. Oceanside Board of Education candidates speak ahead of election Marti Emerald is a well known investigative journalist and former San Diego city council member. Previously he served as principal of the former School #1, Sixth Grade Center and Ocean-side Junior High School, among other leadership positions he held within the school district. There should be a balance. For 20 years I have worked to improve the quality of life for San Marcos residents, from building schools, to protecting our open spaces, to supporting local businesses. I will continue to advocate for increased affordable housing and affordable housing accessibility. The city needs to bring fire response times up to standard & coordinate regionally on evacuation planning. Unanimous yes vote. Muoz has been on the board since 2014 and teaches English at Cuyamaca College. Decisions about what to allow or incentivize (or not) belong to local voters or their representatives. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for covering my campaign! We should streamline the process for builders and residents who desire to improve their property, which increases their property values. Earlier this year, Rodriguez ran unsuccessfully in the Republican primary for the 49th Congressional District. The Democrats endorse Muoz and the Republicans endorse Attiq. Keren Dominguez says she is an advocate, mother and educator. }; An original pool of seven candidates was narrowed down to two in the June primary, with Martinez receiving the most votes followed by Hemmerling, who defeated fellow frontrunner Dave Meyers by a small margin for a spot on the ballot. Not beholden to large donors COMMUNITY FIRST! Id like to tighten the local governments control a little bit. Laura Lisi was appointed to the Board of Education in November of 2022 to fill the seat of departing trustee Maryjane McGrath-Mulhern, who resigned. While many cities in CA have done a poor job of building homes, especially affordable ones for those with median income and below, the states imposition of one-size-fits-all laws penalizes cities like Vista that have been meeting their housing requirements. MAGA Mike Allmans 2020 election to the SDUHSD board brought continuous turmoil and divisiveness. In the Northeast corner of Poway a battle is brewing for the Area B seat. New results show embattled council member remains in second place and unlikely to overtake her leading opponent Meet the school board candidates in Oceanside, Island Park Oceanside School District's $163.4 million school budget passes } Bronstein won the seat in a 2021 special election following Kristin Gibsons resignation from the board. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. At this time of intense partisan polarization, our City needs leaders who prioritize citizens shared interests over party loyalty. Selnick is an Air Force veteran, Turgeon is a lineman and ornamental horticulturalist, and McGee is a community volunteer, according to their websites. Across the Nassau-Suffolk region, proposed school budgets for 124 districts total a combined $13.75 billion. To continue to serve the citizens of Oceanside, be a representative voice for all those who live in District 2, and to ensure that our continues growth and development will create new opportunities for those desiring to live, work and recreate in Oceanside while maintaining the character and values of our diverse community. San Marcos primarily relies on County of San Diego and non-profit organization for direct social services. At that time, staff and members of the community will have an opportunity to meet the candidates. Do you support the California State Legislatures attempts to make it easier for cities to build high-density units without affordability requirements or local review? As Dep. Encinitas has a participation problem. First thing I plan on doing as Mayor is to support our sheriffs so they can enforce the laws with homeless assaults on residents. My wife and I have three children and four grandchildren. Based on her posts on Facebook, it appears Wichmann tacitly supports the anti-LGBTQ attacks and her LinkedIn page indicates she supports standardized testing. I have a strong sense and understanding of public service and Im inspired by those who support this community in so many ways. Public transit does not really work well in Carlsbad. Long Island School Budget Vote Results 2021 | Sachem, NY Patch I am a special education teacher, elected School Board Member, father of two energetic children, and community advocate. I would have been more cautious with taxpayer money. Quita Highsmith is a C-Suite leader and Board Director. Ive served as a school counselor in our community for the past 7 years and have seen firsthand how school closures and the pandemic have impacted student mental health and learning. Incumbent Councilwoman Kelly Harless lives outside the boundaries of District 4 and is unable to run for re-election. Her campaign treasure is Briana Beleskie from Brian Billbrays organization in Imperial Beach. As your regional transportation representative, I will continue to fight for balanced & affordable public transit. My future priorities include continued collaboration among Trustees, establishing clear priorities, sensibly allocating funding, and improving student outcomes. Please be aware that the board is not permitted to respond to or engage in dialogue related to comments regarding non-agenda items. https://electrebeccajones.com, [emailprotected]. If one of the incumbents is unseated by Quirk, he will serve on the council alongside his brother. jQuery.ajax( { Twice elected to the School Board during a time of significant student growth and facility expansion. He has the endorsement of the Democratic Party. Alberta's education budget features new schools and replacements, first San Diego County School Board Election 2022 12 Sep By Thomas Ultican 9/12/2022 The bedrock of American Democracy is the school board. As Trustee, I served two years as Board President, and lead the Board when balancing our budget, passing a bond improving school facilities, and strengthening relations with teachers and staff. I would work with developers and ensure we get our fair share of funding from the state and federal government to build housing for the hard working people of Vista. Neither a one-size-fits-all attempt by the state, or an initiative allowing municipal governments to override state law is the answer. In D1, Bona decided to run after winning an anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) against former Councilwoman Cori Schumacher last year. Tuesday: School elections to approve budgets, elect board members Voters in Herkimer and school districts across the state will get their chance to vote for or against proposed 2021-22. Affordable housing is a critical need, Carlsbad has the land and opportunity to address it. These include Vallecitos Water District Division 4 Director Mike Sannella, doctor Ambreen Ahmed, educator Lionel Saulsberry, and former San Marcos Unified School District trustee Jay Petrek, who was appointed to and served on the city council from 2019-2020. During nearly four decades as an Oceanside resident, Mrs. Schoell has earned a reputation for community service, volunteering for Oceanside Community Ser-vice, Kiwanettes and the Ocean-side Chamber of Commerce, among others. We need attainable housing, but not without environmental, traffic, and resource-use considerations, and not without thorough community input and collaboration on development plans. If theres a large amount of push back by residents on a hot topic it should be looked at closer before voting on it. By comparison, Higa reported $5,685. He grew up in La Jolla attending public schools there. Public Safety: I will continue to provide resources, equipment, and personnel needed to fight wildfires. I will never defund the police. (619) 531-5700. State law allows the board to consider personnel matters in closed session. Two council seats and the mayor are up for reelection this year. Dec 20 2022. 1 role of government. I want San Marcos to remain a thriving place of opportunity and promise. No other information is known about him. Many of the jobs here are in the retail industry with low paying jobs. Elva Lopez-Zapeda also has a web page and is a long time elementary school educator. FB.Event.subscribe( 'comment.create', penciCommentCallback ); Oceanside Unified School District Board Member, Seat 5 A statewide PAC in Pennsylvania, funded largely by venture capitalist and Bucks County parent Paul Martino, said that at least 101 of its candidates won their elections Tuesday, though results. In District-3 which includes most of the southern end of the county, incumbent Alicia Muoz faces off against Marvin Attiq. Mr.D'Ambrosio currently works in local government and formerly was the owner of a family-run flooring business. He and his wife, Lori, have two daughters. Robinson has received more than $27,000, of which $1,500 came from loans. Ratcliff, who has served on the PUSD board since 2014 and is endorsed by the Democratic Party. I think Public Transit is my lowest priority because, in Carlsbad, the only modes of Public Transit, busing and rail, are managed by the County, State and Federal levels of government. Oceanside School Board Mike Blessing Eleanor Juanita Evans Palomar Community College District Tim Fillinger Rose Marie Dishman Poway Unified School Board Debra Cooper Carol Ware Ramona Unified School Board Dawn Perfect John Rajcic Rancho Sante Fe School Board Jee Manghani Tyler Seltzer lise L. Dufresne San Dieguito Union School Board I will add 10 deputies to patrol our city, perform a capabilities assessment of our fire department to make sure they are manned, trained, and equipped to handle any emergency, and examine a 10-year history of traffic accidents to identify locations to improve traffic safety. [emailprotected], raypearson4citycouncil.com. County Officials | Oceanside, CA Seeing first hand, the importance of being an involved parent and a desire to help, I began on my path to helping students ready to succeed. A YES vote would support taxing cannabis businesses at annual rates of 4% to 7% of gross receipts for retail cannabis businesses, 1% to 4% for non-retail cannabis businesses, and $2.00 to $10.00 per canopy square foot for cultivation. We should build enough housing for our kids, not turn Vista into L.A. What City Council / County Board decision in the last few years did you disagree with most, and how would you have addressed the issue differently? She is endorsed by the Democratic Party. Election 2022: School Board Races October 13, 2022; Election 2022: Municipal Races Preview October 7, 2022; Election 2020: North County's City Council and County Board October 16, 2020 . From Oceanside school board members to executive level public servants. var penciCommentCallback = function ( response ) { McNamara, a Marine veteran and executive director of the Marine Corps Recruits Depot Museum Foundation, was first elected mayor in 2018. I would love to participate on the SANDAG board and lend my common-sense ideas. In District 4, former planning chairman Bruce Ehlers, Pamela Redela, Stacie Davis and Dan Vaughn vie for the open seat. 2022 San Diego County midterm election: Live results Martinez has received. I am passionate about addressing homelessness with compassion and accountability. Passing a bond to improve facilities, updating curriculum are essential to the success of all OUSD students. For your lowest priority issue above, sum up why you think its the lowest. Last week, I surveyed North County school districts on their varying reopening plans, which were mostly divided into three options: distance learning, in-person traditional learning or some in-between hybrid model. The mayoral race between current Councilman, is citywide, while districts 1 and 3 feature races in the north and southern parts of the city. General election date: November 8, 2016. The OUSD Board of Education is comprised of five members elected to four-year terms by the voters of Oceanside. N.S. Public Safety. Our districts needs have not received the attention they deserve. With your help, I want to to stop the mileage tax, address the homeless issue, support small businesses and, most importantly, keep you safe! We need more units per building. Carlsbad has historically done a wonderful job in this area, and as a result, will require less energy, budget allocation, and staff time of the city offices. We grant these issues all have merit and arent always mutually exclusive. Approving and moving forward with Street Scape, Getting massive loans to fund it and not included actual needs like Rail Crossing on Vulcan North as part of the plan. Law enforcement officers provide medical aid to residents, encounter numerous residents on a daily basis and are critical in providing safety to our county residents. The board agenda is available on-line three days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Vista needs discretionary authority to ensure we are building the right mix of housing in the right places. Area 3 includes Bonita and Eastlake. Former Assistant City Manager prior to retiring in 2020. Enrollment (13-14): 21,244 students. Her campaign reports show $1,500 from Alan Bersin, $1,500 from Scott Peters, $1,500 from Irwin Jacobs, $1,500 from Joan Jacobs, $1,500 from Allison Price, $1,500 from Robert Price and $1,000 from David Wax. The state and federal governments recognized this and provided funding for cities to support those in need. Our first responders need to be fully supported, especially our firefighters. Housing has become unaffordable. Oceanside Unified School District board members met on July 21 to discuss the district's learning plan for the fall. Briefly tell us about yourself and why youre running. xfbml: true, The district looks new after the countys redistricting commission approved its final map earlier this year. I believe in local control. Public Transportation is important but creating safety so people want to use it is my priority. Southern CA transit ridership steadily declined from 2000-2015 and fell further in the pandemic. An insider believes that the Sweetwater Teachers Association will endorse Elva Lopez-Zapeda. Election 2020: Voters to decide Oceanside Unified board members, bond How strongly do you agree with this statement: Land use and zoning decisions should be largely reserved for locally-elected officials and municipalities, not state legislators. In April, the district voted to sell the Garrison site and upgrade San Luis Rey. Four challengers have thrown their hats into the ring with no incumbents in the race to represent District 2, which covers Questhaven, La Costa, and Lake San Marcos. RESULTS: Long Island School Vote 2022 - News 12 Networks She is supported by the Democratic Party. All regularly scheduled board meetings are open to the public. Mr. Maresca is a member of the Knights of Columbus, sits on the board of directors at the Ocean Financial Federal Credit Union, and is active incommunity ser-vice. Mr.D'ambrosio remains active in Oceanside Community Service, the Knights of Columbus,Long Island's Junior Soccer League, and the executive board of directors of the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association. I now have the unique opportunity to continue representing as an unopposed candidate on November 8, 2022. Every decade when the Census is released, the Board must review the new Census data on the current Trustee Area map to ensure population balance across each area. Public school students 399,786 Charter school students 81,316 Percent charter 16.9%. A fundamental purpose of government is to ensure the safety of its citizens. I will work towards a compromise, mobilizing state resources in ways that prioritize local needs and sustainability. Incumbent Leslie Bunker faces three challengers for Seat 3. Janet Bremseth lists herself as a community volunteer. Public school students 35,192 Charter school students 0 Percent charter 0%. They reversed Planning Commissions denial, ignored key wildfire evacuation plan inadequacies and allowed a lot line change to avoid environmental review. Police, fire and paramedic services should be tailored to meet the needs of the community, based on characteristics unique to each neighborhood and areas of focus. My highest priority on Council will be public safety, the main duty of government. Serving food outside which even the State Health Director said was safe. My qualifications include 7 years as Encinitas Planning Commissioner; author and spokesperson of Proposition A, The Encinitas Right to Vote Initiative; 10 years on the Olivenhain Town Council Board and founding member and CFO of North County Advocates. Item was prematurely placed before the council. Home mortgage strategist Bob Weller has the endorsement of all five sitting board members. (function ( d, s, id ) { If each low-income housing project accommodated more mandated units, it would take fewer projects, less environmental impact & less traffic. Oceanside needs to be able to control its own housing destiny. Area D is in south central Poway. Public school students 16,261 Charter school students 2,410 Percent charter 12.9%. Raised in Oceanside and was once a Catholic priest and a touring pianist for dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, Reveles was 74, Dr. Gene Ma has a long track record at the Oceanside hospital, Long-term plan could include moving tracks away from San Clementes eroding coast to new route along Interstate 5, Plans proceeding for Carlsbad company Ionis to open manufacturing facility in commercial center, Facility in industrial area near municipal airport would share access road with nearby residential community, Fred Armijo joined the department in 1993 after four years as a city lifeguard; internal recruitment process is underway, Privacy PolicyTerms of ServiceSign Up For Our NewslettersSite Map, Copyright 2023, The San Diego Union-Tribune |, Oceanside Unified School District Trustee Mike Blessing, Oceanside Unified School Board candidate Todd Maddison, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, County reorganizes child welfare services to prevent abuse, neglect, Supervisors explore ways to offset vehicle traffic from backcountry residential builders, Should backcountry builders fund city sidewalks and bike lanes? In 2009, Vegas' current Chief Executive, Trevor Biscope pre-qualified & competed in an auction to found Vegas. In Area C, Rebecca Williams is the anti-mask and anti-vaccine mandates candidate endorsed by the Republican Party. I prefer live debates over a sign war. We need a housing inventory that has enough diversity to provide an option of people that work in Encinitas to live here. Order of appearance below randomly shuffled. In her biography, Evans states that her priorities include sufficiently funding classrooms and closing achievement gaps for students.

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oceanside school board election

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oceanside school board election