the family murders adelaide victims

Neil Fredrick Muir, aged 25,[12][13] murdered two months after Barnes in August 1979. At the same time he was developing a network of people who made it possible for him to carry out his sexually sadistic fantasies. He was found wearing most of the clothing he had last been seen in, minus an undershirt and without the chains he often wore around his neck (which contained his zodiac sign, Cancer). A farmer that lived nearby Middle Beach and Two Wells, roughly an hour north of Adelaide, had been cleansing his farmland during the advised winter months. Over time Trevor kept diary records of his conversations with that suspect as well as another suspect. Examiners discovered that just a few inches above his groin - just below his navel - Mark had a small surgical scar that had been sealed shut with staples and a specific type of Johnson & Johnson surgical tape. How, why, or where they had seen this tape escaped the caller, but it was enough to send detectives through the paces of investigating every lead related to this: known deviants, underground porn shops, etc. If your information is verified and its not breaking any laws, we may publish it. Police were now back, right where they had started. His remains had been dissected and neatly cut into many pieces, placed in a garbage bag and thrown into the Port River at Port Adelaide. For that reason, many of these men and women had to keep their sexuality confined to specific locations. Likely, he was one of the people seen hanging out with Neil at the bars and clubs just days that weekend. Noctec was found in his blood, suggesting he had been drugged. He is 50 metres from his beautiful family home. During the 1970s von Einem started developing strategies to lure victims into his car. This is made apparent when we look at a story from 1972, which ultimately led to drastic overhauls in Southern Australian law and cemented its place in the nation's history. Just like Neil Muir, whoever had taken him had killed him and dumped his body pretty quickly, within a day or two. The older man in the driver's seat reached into the backseat and pulled out a beer from a cooler, offering it to George. This group was believed to be involved in the kidnapping and sexual abuse of approximately 150 teenage boys and young men, as well as the torture and murder of 5 young men aged between 14 and 25, in the city of Adelaide, South Australia, in the 1970s and 1980s. Some of the victims were brutally tortured, or horrifically mutilated or cut up. Peter Stogneff was a fourteen-year-old that lived with his family in a middle-class home, in a northeastern suburb of Adelaide. This period saw the creation of gay clubs in Adelaide (such as a location known as the Mars Bar) and other clubs where all sexualities were welcome (such as the Duke of York or Buckingham Arms, known in the area as "The Buck"). The news was heartbreaking for those that had known Alan. Needless to say, over the past few months, this investigation had become a new beast entirely. Unlike the other murder victims, however, Mark's body showed an odd sign of surgical precision. He likely did this to hide it from his parents, in case they made it home before he did. Whatever it was, it looked like a human body but was somehow twisted and contorted in an inhuman nature. The death of George Duncan would serve as a catalyst, eventually martyring Duncan himself and leading to repeals of South Australia's harsh anti-homosexuality laws. But underneath the surface, a monster lingered Sadly, this dark and tragic saga was just beginning. Five young men were mysteriously abducted in different . The information is easy to navigate and easy reference. This was cancelled the night before. It's 1983, and a 15-year-old boy named Richard Kelvin is in a laneway in North Adelaide. [5][9] The cold case review was completed in November 2010 with no charges being laid against any of the three key suspects. This is an analysis of the information provided by Wendy Roles and Greg McInerney in the book The Family Murders: Dissected The Timeline 25 Aug (Sat) Michael B sees band-aid on Neil's leg at the methadone clinic during the day. Other times he would just pick up a hitch hiker. And at least one witness - a security guard that lived just down the street from the Kelvins - recalled some more details succinctly. The Family Murders is the name given to a series of five murders speculated to have been committed by a loosely connected group of individuals who came to be known as "The Family". However, they were able to learn that - before his body was burned in the brush fire - his remains had been cut into multiple parts with a saw. In the days immediately after Neil Muir's death, Dr. Millhouse had gone on a bit of a self-described "bender." Show True Crime Conversations, Ep The Family Murders Of Adelaide - 10 Nov 2021. Bevan von Einem was no exception he also preferred youths between the 15 and 19 year old age group. But at this point, police were already preoccupied with a separate lead from Neil Muir's social circle: a man named Dr. Peter Millhouse. [4][10], Some authorities do not recognise the term "The Family", stating that "[t]hey should not be given any title that infers legitimacy. That Monday - August 27th, 1979 - Neil Muir was seen alive for the last time. Police spoke to Alan's friend, who had left him behind on Grand Junction Road. Neil Muir was someone that you could describe as a transient. When using other people (sometimes transgenders, sometimes cross-dressers, and sometimes Mr B), a common ploy was to ask a lone youth if he want to go to a party where there was plenty of booze and women. Millhouse was charged and went to trial but was acquitted. [14] The hair around the area had been shaved as it would have been in an operation in a hospital. Mark had driven there with his family, as they were attending the party alongside him, but he would leave with a couple of friends afterward to hang out and cruise around the city with the young adults trying to squeeze out every bit of the Adelaide summer that they could. Criminologist Alan Perry of the University of Adelaide, has argued that the murders were part of widespread series of kidnappings and sexual assaults of boys that might number several hundred victims in South Australia from about 1973 to 1983.[11]. Apart from von Einem, three other core members are thought to be directly involved in the murders; while DNA testing re-commenced in 2008, no further charges have been laid. Rumours of high-society involvement and cover-ups. The two had been dating for about a month now, and Richard had excitedly told his mother that he planned on proposing when his girlfriend and he were nineteen years old. Murdered victims were kept in captivity by the Family for up to five weeks. Now, with Mark Langley, police were able to confirm the presence of the drug Mandrax in his system. It shows the facts and most likely scenarios, but is fluid so when new information comes to light changes can easily be made. Because homosexuality was still outlawed in Australia at this point, Vice officers would often detain individuals that they believed were loitering nearby known gay hotspots. Eventually, Peter returned home with his backpack, stowing it in his family's garage while his parents were at work. Also, like the other victims, Mark's cause-of-death seemed to be nearly identical: blood loss from an anal injury, caused by the forced insertion of an unknown item. In Adelaides gay community in the 1970s and 1980s, young men were coveted for sex. On Saturday, June 16th, 1979, Alan spent the night at a friend's house. With tattoos, long hair, and a gruff demeanor, Neil looked like your average rock musician, and his transient lifestyle seems to support that. Peter Stogneff. South Australia's overdue for another However, unlike many of the others, it was believed that Richard had been held captive for an extended period of time, enduring torture and sexual abuse for weeks leading up to his death. His mother, Judy, would later describe him as being incredibly witty; "cheeky," as she describes in a 2006 documentary, going on to say that Alan was always quick on his feet, and would respond to any type of comment with something sarcastic and bitterly funny. If that was true, then could that have been happening to the other young male victims that had been viciously murdered in the preceding years? Because very little physical evidence had been left behind, it was hard to tell whether or not these crimes belonged to the same spree, or were simply copycats. Unfortunately, that Thursday, Peter never arrived at the mall to meet his friend. Through these connections, police were able to link all of these crimes together. It wasn't until Monday morning that Alan's parents decided to contact the police, having not seen him for several days. This section explores the people who at this stage are thought to have been on the periphery. [16][22] The sedative-hypnotic drug Mandrax, popular in the 1970s disco scene, was found in Langley's blood. They hoped to use character witnesses to build up the relationship between the two, and then use other eyewitnesses to fill in the rest (the drugs, the sexual relationship, etc.). He had struggled to wean himself off of heroin, using methadone to do so, only to have methadone become his next addiction. Alan lived with his parents, both English immigrants, in Salisbury: a northern suburb of Adelaide. However, the medical examiners in Adelaide concluded definitively that Alan had died several hours before this happened. 's had discovered the chemical compound chloral hydrate in the system of Alan Barnes, who also had an above-average level of alcohol in his system: roughly four times the legal limit, which was unusually high for a teenager. Neil's penis had been cut, and he was missing a testicle at the time of discovery. While Neil Muir had endured a similar fate, his remains were too badly mutilated to test for any drugs; however, the injuries suffered seemed to be identical. Unfortunately, as the farmer's land burned, so did the remains of the missing teenager. Because this murder seemed like the type of crime beset by emotional issues - or likely someone with an ax to grind against Alan, personally - police initially began investigating this as a personal crime. The bags looked as if they had been dropped from the higher-up wharf, just like the body of Alan Barnes had been. In the latter half of the 1970s, South Australia had started to regulate drugs like Mandrax, known throughout most of the world as "Quaaludes." Regardless, this information was incredibly helpful to police, who began to expand their interests to finding people in the area that drove similar vehicles. Over the next year or so, the case would stagnate. He then explained to the investigator that he was a former lover of Neil's, from roughly four years beforehand, and had run into the man just days before his eventual murder. He would literally go on to write the book about this terrifying saga, called "Young Bloods," which - if you're interested - is one of the best resources for this case. This section explores his social network. He had been killed elsewhere and then transported to this location postmortem, implying that the killer had a base of operations for his or her dark deeds. [21] Among the mutilations was a wound that appeared to have been cut with a surgical instrument that went from his navel to the pubic region and part of his small bowel was missing. Four of the five murders remain unsolved. Stogneff's body had been cut into three pieces in a similar fashion to Muir. The son was fifteen when he was snatched from the street . Trace evidence, including hair and fibres from von Einem's home, was found on Kelvin's body and clothing. While in rehab, Dr. Millhouse refused to speak to police about Neil Muir (or his alleged relationship with the man). The Family Murders is the name given to the murders of five young men and boys between 1979 and 1983, with all abducted from the streets of Adelaide before being taken to another location,. Of the five men that fell prey to this violent killer, at least two had been drugged with Mandrax, as had George. After doing away with his old, dried-up crops, the farmer was looking over his land when he came upon the now-charred remains of young Peter Stogneff. George Duncan, one of the three men thrown into the Torrens, would drown that evening. The father of boat crash victim Mallory Beach refused to shake hands with Alex Murdaugh 's family in court after the legal scion was sentenced to life in prison for the murders of his wife and son . But now, they needed to find a suspect. What the two got up to that evening is anyone's guess, but rumors and theories have propagated this story in the decades since. Police believe this murder is associated with other high profile murders commonly referred to in the media as the 'Family Murders'. These people have no such bond, only an association that with time probably no longer exists". He is 50 metres from his beautiful family home. Because Neil's transient lifestyle led to him becoming known as a bit of a vagabond, his sexuality was not exactly common knowledge. Of only one victim. He was last seen stumbling down the street, supposedly wandering off to parts unknown. But other than that, this friend had nothing new to offer police: he hadn't seen or heard from Alan since the two went their separate ways. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS. This notoriety brought with it a poor reputation, however, and by the late 1970s, Mandrax had become a regulated prescription drug throughout Australia. Although there were in excess of 150 youths and young men who were drugged and raped, often by multiple men, this section focuses on the five young men who didnt come home. Kelvin was held captive for approximately five weeks[24] and a post-mortem examination revealed that he had died of massive blood loss from an anal injury,[25] likely caused by the insertion of a large blunt object. He was seventeen years old, with a youthful, handsome appearance, and a carefree, fun-loving attitude. The very next day - August 28th, 1979 - a couple of fishermen were heading out to the Port Adelaide River, on what was supposed to be a regular workday for them. Alan Arthur Barnes, aged 16, murdered in 1979. Subsequent efforts to reach Alan through his friends had failed, and none of them had seen him since the weekend. When police had arrived at the crime scene, they assumed that whoever had tried to dump the body of Alan Barnes had failed, in some way. After a bit, Rob decided to walk home, leaving the two boys at the park; assured that it was just down the street from their house and it was still early in the day. This was about 300 metres from his family home. So, they believed that this crime might have been perpetrated by someone that Neil owed money to, who wanted to cover up their tracks afterward. However, they were able to learn from a witness that a young man matching Peter's description had been spotted at Tea Tree Plaza the morning of his disappearance, and had been in the company of an adult male. How did he manipulate large numbers of people to get involved to various degrees even if that involvement was merely remaining silent? Detective O'Brien was the unfortunate one tasked with notifying the Kelvins that Richard's body had been found; which he describes in his book as one of the most heartbreaking duties he's ever had to endure. Meanwhile, the mutilation of Neil Muir's body seemed to be identical to that perpetrated upon Peter Stogneff's remains, whose limbs had been similarly severed with a saw-like device. On this night, in particular, that included these three men. Victims - The Family Murders Victims Alan Barnes Feb 12, 2021 The night before he went missing he stayed at Darko Kastelan's house in Cheltenham. Some were involved in the abduction of victims who were murdered, some were involved in the rape of murdered victims, and some were involved in murder. Among those voices, he described, was a higher-pitched voice, which sounded almost feminine. The first of which was a very specific call alleging that two men - named Doug and Mark - were responsible for abducting Richard Kelvin. Police were called out to the scene, and an extensive search of the area commenced. Sadly, almost all of the evidence that may have been left behind was now gone, burned away to ash along with all of Peter's remaining soft tissue. Bevan von Einem had a network of around 25-30 people. The other murders remain unsolved. The Family Murders are a series of violent and depraved sex crimes committed against five young men and boys in South Australia throughout the 1970's and 1980's. In 1988 Detective Trevor Kipling described a group of people whom he suspected as being responsible as "one big happy family" and vowed to do all that he could to bring them to justice. This case includes mysterious attacks, brutal murders, and a dark conspiracy surrounding a secret group of elites that preyed on the young in the city. When they finally got around to doing this, after the discovery of Richard Kelvin's body, one name popped out at them. He loved music - both playing it and listening to it - and had a good rapport with his friends, whom he hung around constantly. Five murders and over 150 rapes. He consented to any available tests or analysis, and during a medical screening, it was discovered that the young man did have tears in his anus, proving that he had been raped. For obvious reasons, he didn't tell his parents, setting out that morning with his backpack and heading off like any other day. 4 had horrific injuries with clear signs of torture, abuse and confinement lasting up to 5 weeks. In 1979, residents of Adelaide were gripped by fear when several young men began to go missing under mysterious circumstances. POLICE are investigating new information linking convicted killer Bevan Spencer von Einem to the abduction and murder of teenager Alan Barnes. The Family Murders was a series of murders in the 1970s and 1980s that targeted young men in Adelaide, South Australia between the ages of 14 and 25. Mr B made contact with police two days after Alan Barnes was found. Major Crimes was primarily responsible for serial killings, mass killings, and any other high-profile crimes that the local government wanted to be handled by a specialized task force. I first heard of the murders in an episode of an Australian television program called . This included people that visited the same bars and clubs as Neil and perhaps knew him that way. The convicted killer and notorious head of "The Family" ring who picked up hitchhikers and schoolboys to drug and offer to South Australia's elite to sexually abuse has broken his 20-year silence, to blame his victim, and to claim innocence over other murders.

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the family murders adelaide victims

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the family murders adelaide victims